
作者: 小赵 Tue Oct 26 13:09:47 SGT 2021


  1. beside the question 离题,和本题无关

  2. best of all 最(好),首先

  3. beyond control 无法控制

  4. beyond dispute 没有争论余地的

  5. beyond number 多得数不清

  6. beyond question 毫无疑问

  7. beyond question 毫无疑问,无可争辩

  8. bit by bit 一点一点地,渐渐

  9. black and blue (被打得)遍体鳞伤

  10. black out 用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)

  11. blow off 吹掉,将(热水等)放出

  12. blow one's top (美)气急败坏;发脾气

  13. blow out 吹熄(灯火等)

  14. blow over 被淡忘

  15. blow over 经过;(云等)吹散

  16. blow up 发脾气;放大(照片等)

  17. blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸

  18. boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀

  19. bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁

  20. border on 接界;接近,非常像

  21. born of 源于;出生于

  22. both...and... 既…又…,不但…而且

  23. break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身

  24. break down 打破;发生故障;中止

  25. break faith 背信,背弃信仰

  26. break in on 打扰;打断

  27. break in 训练;强行进入;打断

  28. break into pieces (使)成为碎片

  29. break into 闯进;突然…起来

  30. break off (使)折断;中断;断绝

  31. break out (战争等)爆发;逃出

  32. break out into 长出(嫩芽等);迸发出

  33. break the ice 打破沉默

  34. break through 突破,冲垮;突围

  35. break up 打碎;(关系)破裂

  36. break up 分裂,分解;解散

  37. breeze through 轻松地做

  38. bring about 带来;使(船)掉过头来

  39. bring back 带回来,使恢复

  40. bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下

  41. bring forth 使产生;生(孩子)

  42. bring forward 使涌现出

  43. bring forward 提出(建议等);显示

  44. bring in 收获(庄稼等);生产

  45. bring into action 使行动起来

  46. bring into effect 实行,实现,实施

  47. bring into operation 实施,使生效

  48. bring off 救出;成功地做某事

  49. bring on 引导,导致;使发展

  50. bring out 使…显示出来;公布

  51. bring over 把…带来;使某人转变

  52. bring through 救活(病人)

  53. bring to life 使苏醒

  54. bring to ruin 使毁灭,使落空

  55. bring together 使…团结起来

  56. bring under 镇压;压制;使就范

  57. bring up the rear 走在最后面

  58. bring up 教育;提出(供讨论)

  59. bring...into contact 使…和…接触

  60. brush aside 扫除(障碍等),无视

  61. brush off 刷去;掸去;拂去

  62. brush up 擦亮;重新学习;复习

  63. build up 树立;逐步建立;增大

  64. burn down 把…夷为平地

  65. burn oneself out (因过劳而)筋疲力尽

  66. burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽

  67. burn up (炉火等)烧旺起来

  68. burst into laughter 突然笑起来

  69. burst into 闯入;突然发作

  70. burst out laughing 突然笑起来

  71. burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒

  72. burst upon 突然来到

  73. but for 倘没有,要不是

  74. button up 扣,扣紧钮扣

  75. buy off 收买

  76. buy out 出钱使(某人)放弃地位

  77. buy up 全买;尽可能买进

  78. buzz off (俚)急忙离去

  79. by accident 偶然

  80. by accident 偶然

  81. by air 通过航空途径

  82. by air 通过航空途径

  83. by all means 尽一切办法,务必

  84. by all means 尽一切办法;一定

  85. by all nerves 高度不安,神经紧张

  86. by and by 不久,迟早

  87. by and by 不久以后,将来

  88. by and large 总的来说,大体上

  89. by any means 无论如何

  90. by chance 偶然,碰巧

  91. by chance 偶然,碰巧,意外地

  92. by comparison 比较起来

  93. by error 错误地

  94. by far …得多;最最

  95. by far 最,...得多

  96. by force 凭借暴力;强迫地

  97. by hand 用手,用体力

  98. by hand 用手;用手工的

  99. by heart 熟记,牢记,凭记忆

  100. by instinct 凭(靠)本能
